Åh, vad jag hatar transportsträckor. De är så mycket jobb.
Vändpunktscener, ja tack. Skrattlockande scener, ja tack. Relationsscener, ja tack. Ångestscener, ja tack. Stirra döden i vitögat, ja tack!
Men transportsträckor. Ugh. Och jag kan ju inte bara hoppa över det. Då skulle ingen veta vad hon gör där. Hon måste ju först gå dit.
För att citera favoritfilmen nummer ett, Shadowlands, och en fiktiv CS Lewis:
I've always found this a trying time of the year. The leaves not yet out, mud everywhere you go. Frosty mornings gone, sunny mornings yet to come. Give me blizzards and frozen pipes, but not this nothing time. Not this waiting room of the world.
Give me blizzards and frozen pipes, but not this nothing time.
Ingen musa i världen kan göra skrivandet underhållandet i det läget. Bara disciplin åstadkommer text.
Ingen musa i världen kan göra skrivandet underhållandet i det läget. Bara disciplin åstadkommer text.
Eftersom jag bloggar om det, antar jag att disciplinen tryter för tillfället.
4 kommentarer:
Ah, the journey... new sights, new sounds, new tastes and smells and ideas and cultures. Sudden heart-stopping frights, spectacular vistas, the thrill of discovering some new item or knowledge that will affect the character for the rest of her/his life.
Ah, the journey... =)
I agree, I do enjoy that journey (and you describe it so well, are you sure your writing brain is switched off?)
But I think we may have a language problem.
Transportsträckan means the passages where nothing really happens, the passages in a story when you tell something that needs to be said in order for the happenings to happen.
I don't know how else to explain it. :)
Ah... ha. *hides head in hands*
Well, you know, there are journeys, and then there are complete misreads of the dictionary. One would not consider these two items related, but yesterday they were!
It is unfortunate that tyda does not have a "writer's dictionary" separate from the regular one.
I thought that was why you had the Hanna-online-dictionary? Never say bad things about language questions, they have a tendancy to help people stay in touch.
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