Jo. Jag var på väg att skriva ett missmodigt konstnärstempererat inlägg i stil med "Jag tror att jag helt förlorat förmågan att skriva."
Nu har jag istället bestämt mig för att skriva fem sidor idag, oavsett vad. Känns mycket bättre. Skrivkramp ska med skrivande förjagas.
Alla vet att det inte finns något som heter skrivkramp. Det finns bara lathet och obeslutsamhet. Just det.
3 kommentarer:
Heja vad glad jag blir!
She bravely took up the pen and began to write, ignoring how the muses showed only their backs to her. The words at the start came out ever so slowly, and half ran back in again, like a child reluctant to go out into the snow on a frigid winter's day. But soon the ink began to flow. One of the muses, Calliope, feeling slighted, moved closer and peeked at her parchment, then corrected a misplaced word. Clio came close as well, offering suggestions. Soon a waterfall of ideas poured out onto the paper. Her five pages were full with words before she even had time to consider how much she had done.
(p.s. just make sure to poke Calliope with your pen and send her this direction when you're done)
Anna - tack!!
Oh Sean, my dear friend. How I have missed your writing! *drifts off in yet another daydream about creating a book together, with words, pictures, photografs, feelings, thoughts, clouds, forests, ancient buildings and foregin signs. Suddenly remembers that Saxon book she began reading once. Smiles*
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